Laughing cartoon faces drawn onto eggs

10 Counseling Memes For Your Enjoyment

  • I am driven by striving. In one conversation with a Christian mentor, the words blurted out before I could properly weigh them: “Striving is what makes life worth living.” I wasn’t completely wrong, but I definitely wasn’t right either. A more appropriate statement might have been “Striving towards a goal is life-giving to me,” and yet with tears in my eyes as I grieved the loss of my ability...

  • This poem is written by none other than my sister and friend, Sierra Wied. Having lived our lives in beautiful connectedness, I am thrilled to be able to share her musings, and am proud of how she is pressing into God’s desire for healing and hope. Enjoy!...

  • Mental health isn’t something that is solved with 7 quick tips from a young person on the internet. I get that. The complexity of a person’s story and the depths of the needed healing are not concepts that are lost on me, and the more I live my life, the more I realize how little I know about the human heart and mind....

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