Awesome Recovery News!! And Why I No Longer Plan To Write About My Symptoms

I am so excited to report that after graduating from the 3-week Pain/Symptom Rehabilitation Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and continuing the program at home, I am nearly 100% recovered!

This is an extremely bittersweet post to write, as my entire perspective on my health, my symptoms, and my blog has changed. In the program, we not only focused on the physical elements of getting better (physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, hydration), but also worked A LOT on the cognitive side of recovery. One of the biggest changes that they helped me make over the weeks was no longer focusing on my symptoms, and instead, focusing on functioning DESPITE the symptoms. It was and is incredibly hard, especially when dealing with sudden issues. But I’ve learned so many amazing coping skills for real-time management, have overcome countless fears with exposure therapy, and learned how to set myself up for living AND thriving regardless of if I’m having a flare-day or a great day.

So that said, I will no longer be blogging about my specific POTS symptoms, nor any other medical issues, not because I am denying the existence of struggle but because I have SEEN what incredible recovery is possible when I don’t dwell on, glorify, or identify with, my symptoms.

After years, I am now back to driving, doing stairs, going out with friends, and even exercising!! It’s absolutely mind-blowing, and I am so incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity at Mayo.

I understand that not everyone is at the same place in their journey, and for that reason have decided to leave up much of my content “as-is.” In my early days of diagnosis, I would have loved to have someone share their experience, their tips, and to sit with me in the suckiness. While I no longer use the same method of symptom management that I often wrote about, I believe what already exists still has value.

In the meantime, I hope to write more about how the changes I made in the program have changed my life, and how you might be able to implement similar strategies to facilitate your own recovery.

So cheers! To the passage of time, to hard work, and to milestones such as this one.

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  • Braylynne
    Posted at 06:37h, 22 March Reply

    AMEN sister!!! God bless you! 💗

  • Nicki Livingston
    Posted at 07:50h, 24 April Reply

    So wonderful that you are seeing such great recovery results! Would you be able to share more info about how you got into the Mayo Clonic program? I have two daughters who are both suffering with POTS. Feel free to email me any info you can share. Thank you so much!

    • Kaley
      Posted at 20:46h, 27 June Reply

      I am so sorry your daughters are struggling – YES. I would love to share more about how I was able to get into the program. I will email you!

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