Woman with a laughing emoji balloon in front of her face.

10 POTS Memes To Make You Laugh

Every person, every symptom, and every day is different. But whether you’re a long-time potsy or just curious what it’s like, I hope you enjoy these memes – inspired by my journey thus far!

{P.S. Check out the “memes” tab at the top of the page for more!}

  • “You should exercise more.” A brutal statement. One I had tried to fulfill on my own, and time and time again, had failed. It was a frustrating piece of advice from my doctor, and felt so out of reach as I navigated my bouquet of chronic illnesses....

  • I am so excited to report that after graduating from the 3-week Pain/Symptom Rehabilitation Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and continuing the program at home, I am nearly 100% recovered!...

  • The Valsalva maneuver is EASILY the most fascinating thing I’ve gotten to do in this entire medical adventure. On the surface, it’s a fairly quick and easy part of autonomic testing, but underneath, it’s one of the coolest and most complicated mechanisms of the human body that I’ve encountered. ...


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