29 Mar Latest Carousel POTS
How I Recovered From POTS and CFS
It has been 8 months since graduating from the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Program, and I continue to be ...
Making a Full Physical Recovery – A Day-by-Day Miracle
“You should exercise more.” A brutal statement. One I had tried to fulfill on my own, and time a...
Awesome Recovery News!! And Changes Ahead
I am so excited to report that after graduating from the 3-week Pain/Symptom Rehabilitation Center a...
What is the Valsalva Maneuver like?
The Valsalva maneuver is EASILY the most fascinating thing I’ve gotten to do in this entire medica...
Surgery and POTS – Tips + My Experience
With postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (or POTS), life is already a bit of a balancing act t...
Sibling Interview: What It’s Like Supporting Someone With a Chronic Illness
My sister is a rockstar. I know I write a lot about my own journey with chronic illness, and I ca...
Midodrine – The POTS Medication That Works for Me
Without a doubt, midodrine has been crucial to the management of my postural orthostatic tachycardia...
My 8 POTS Essentials
Living out the lifestyle changes that are recommended for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome ...
Reviewing 6 Brands of Electrolytes for POTS
People with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) are notorious for drinking pickle juice...
The QSART For POTS – My Experience
What is the QSART? The QSART (Also known as the QSWEAT) is short for the “Quantitative Sudomotor ...
Things To Do While Waiting For Medical Answers
Waiting sucks. Especially when it comes to waiting for medical answers that could very dramatically ...
Mayo Clinic for POTS – An Overview of My Experience
It finally happened y'all! I have officially received a comprehensive evaluation on my symptoms of a...
5 Practical Tips for Physical Therapy with POTS
There are lots of ways to go about reducing the symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrom...
The 30-Day MCOT Heart Monitor (For POTS)
When my postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) first started escalating, the most concerni...
Phyllo – My Service Dog Prospect
As I’m sure you can understand, getting a puppy didn’t seem like a great idea when considering t...
Why I Use a Cane With POTS
The first time I used a cane, I brought it to a giant craft store to “test it out” and meandered...
POTS Book Review – “Tired Teens” by Dr. Philip Fischer
It blew my mind that our understanding of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) as a reco...
POTS Treatment Summary – Metoprolol and Propranalol (Part 3 of 3)
I was on metoprolol tartrate for 3 weeks, metoprolol succinate for 1 week, and propranolol for one d...
Metoprolol Succinate – POTS Treatment (Part 2 of 3)
Admittedly, switching to metoprolol succinate was a bit rough. I don’t know that I’d go so far a...
Metoprolol Tartrate – POTS Treatment (Part 1 of 3)
Oftentimes people with POTS are told, or assume, that there is no actual treatment for POTS. Initial...
Can You Drive With POTS?
Driving is just sitting, so it’s fine - right? It’s a hard question to actually acknowledge for ...
What If I’m Faking It – Living With an Invisible Disability
If only I had a limp. I’m kidding of course, but in the day-to-day of living postural orthost...
A Fresh Batch of POTS Memes to Brighten Your Day
Memes are one of my favorite ways to express the humor, frustration, and experience of POTS. Check o...
A Lament in Illness
When it comes to suffering or living with hardship things can get kind of complicated. When tragedy ...
Is It Weird to Be Healed and Then Receive a New Diagnosis?
I am a human being who has been miraculously healed by God (here’s our documentary), and then ...
The Alarm Theory – Explaining POTS
There is a distinct sense of comfort that comes from explaining a person’s experience. We, as peop...
10 (More) POTS Memes For You!
Memes are one of my favorite ways to express the humor, frustration, and experience of POTS. Check o...
The POTS Community – Cari’s Experience
Today’s guest is my friend Cari. It was while listening to her talk about her experience with POTS...
Developing POTS – What Is It and What Is It Like?
Having POTS makes for some exciting stories, but the reality is that each and every day is a dance o...
My Family’s Healing Story
I know what it's like to suffer, and I know what it's like to be healed. In 2018 my family was heale...
PUPS, POTS, and PTSD – My Journey
At one point in the process of weighing the pros and cons of a service dog I remember asking, “Am ...
10 POTS Memes To Make You Laugh
Every person, every symptom, and every day is different. But whether you’re a long-time potsy or j...
My Tilt Table Test Experience
What is the TTT? The diagnostic test for POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is the Til...
Pingback:My Experience With The Valsalva Maneuver - Kaley Faith
Posted at 10:56h, 29 November[…] I had just completed my tilt table test, I was already outfitted with an arm blood pressure cuff, a beat-to-beat finger blood pressure […]
Pingback:PUPS, POTS, and PTSD - My Journey - Kaley Faith
Posted at 15:44h, 29 November[…] worked through a variety of intense medical moments and tackled the list of testing, and I was found to have a positive tilt table test – the diagnostic tool for POTS. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. In a nutshell, it […]
Pingback:POTS - What Is It and What Is It Like? - Kaley Faith
Posted at 21:23h, 12 December[…] The criteria for diagnosis is that a person must have an increase in pulse of at least 30bpm when they go from laying down to standing up, paired with worsening of symptoms associated with POTS (such as passing out/lightheadedness, nausea, chest pain, headache, shakiness, anxiety, tiredness, etc). A tilt table test (TTT) is the go-to test for POTS (read about my experience with the TTT here). […]
Pingback:Week 1 of POTS Treatment - Metoprolol Tartrate - Kaley Faith
Posted at 13:47h, 17 June[…] (PCP) who then referred me to a cardiologist. I underwent a variety of tests (EKG, Echo, Holter, Tilt Table Test, Autonomic Testing, MCOT Monitor), and the grand result was a “probable” POTS diagnosis, though […]
Pingback:Doing the 30-Day Heart Monitor for POTS (MCOT) - Kaley Faith
Posted at 21:39h, 27 September[…] heart indeed goes faster than normal during standard life activities such as walking or standing. Further testing pointed to the fact that I did indeed meet the criteria for […]